navigating the hustle

Nothing makes you “adult” like having a child.

I’ve had the carpet pulled out from under me a couple times in life. My theory is that this happens when you’re just not listening to your true calling, and some sort of life force has to not-so-subtly knock you off the wrong path so that you can find the way to YOU.

It’s a privilege to experience, and survive, this life recalibration. My crippled move away from being a Physical Therapist, away from the east coast and towards making art in San Francisco was so gritty yet so rewarding mostly because of the people… the absolutely inspiring people I’ve shared brilliant creative time with. When I think back on some of my experiences it’s like a movie… did it all really happen? The weather, food and music scene rate pretty highly up there as well!

Part of me feels like it was a very hasty and sleep-deprived decision to leave San Francisco. It meant leaving my life’s work, my art, my making, my livelihood… my community. I knew it would be different to keep my work going, but I was rather naive to think that I could hustle through this particular pulling-of-the-carpet-move-to-Oregon alongside raising a child.

Part of me is pissed off.
Part of me is making the best of it.
All of me loves this kid like nobody’s business.

and I have no idea how to resolve those things without massive mom-guilt. It just is what it is…

The past few months have been full-hustle navigation. I call it “throwing spaghetti against the wall and seeing what sticks.” I’m sure it’s been very odd for those close to me… one day I’m going to start a food-business, another day I want to buy a building and start my store back up, or manage another person’s shop, or start a psilocybin retreat center, or maybe I could go into teaching?? The added factor of raising a child and needing to pay bills and save for his education is thwarting the selfish artist in me BIG TIME!

But something has finally stuck and I’m going for it.

I’ll be getting my real estate license. I’m thrilled to work on my own, yet alongside others…. like parallel play. It’s been lonesome sewing by myself and staring at a computer screen. The connection I used to get through making clothing is now obscured by algorithms, social media, marketing apps, photo editing… it’s all just not bringing me joy this way.

We need people.
I need people.

I love the idea of meeting strangers and connecting them to a new chapter in their lives… a new HOME!

As far as making clothing… I will carve time out for it, just as I will have to carve time out for my family. I am encouraging custom orders because these have really worked out well for my heart! I look forward to hearing from you and making your visions come true!


living unabashedly your true self


finding flow