finding flow

Today is a SNOW DAY!!!!

I got used to this whole “drop my kid off at public school for 6+ hours monday - friday” real quick. It’s hard to believe that this was my day, every day, for nearly 3 years while we were homeschooling.

Regardless of esoteric arguments to the contrary, time is indeed finite…ask any multi-tasking mom. However, creativity is on a different trajectory entirely. Give me long hours solo in the studio and I will exponentially slip into a vortex of ideas in creation… my flow state.

I’ve regained a fair amount of clock time recently. Throwing in the towel on homeschooling helped, but what has really made a difference is stepping away from social media. Here’s my schpiel if you didn’t catch it.

For me, being in front of a screen in that way is like reverse-flow. It goes beyond the clock time I spend clicking and typing away. It’s like a vacuum of creative energy sucked out through my screen-gluey eyeballs. Balking the algorithm has lifted a big wet failure blanket off of my shoulders. Time and ideas are beginning to collide in such a way that they are synchronous…such that what comes off of the sewing machine was not preconceived. It was not checked off on a “to do” list. It came to being on it’s own accord.

This has been a long time coming. I feel like I’ve been failing you all in some ways, and it makes me happy to be in the flow again. I look forward to hearing what you think of it…dropping the first monday of the month.


navigating the hustle


Doing the best I can with what I’ve got